The Glorious Journey
At its heart, the Oscar and BAFTA-nominated film The Two Popes is nor about Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI. It is about two men, who happen to be religious figures, exploring a number of themes that are at the heart if being human, of faith and belief : 'the journey', listening, change, mercy, loneliness and love.
The Glorious Journey provides an opportunity to watch The Two Popes with such themes in mind; to read, reflect and discuss what we can learn from it about human nature and values.
Liam Kelly opens each of the six chapters with a suggestion of a short clip from the film to watch, then provides thought provoking reflections, including questions to prompt your own response. Each chapter ends with a prayer.
The Glorious Journey is designed to be used individually, or as part of a regular group discussion. It could be adapted for use as the basis of a seasonal course for Lent or Advent.