Can you help the Shrine archivist?

As our archivist works on the Shrine archives, gaps are found in some series: do you have a copy of what we need and would be willing to send us a photocopy? 

We concentrate mainly on the records of Fr Patten’s lifetime (i.e. up to 1958), although there are many gaps in the later series. He often issued “wants” lists as he furnished the new buildings, and here are some of our present needs.

We already have one copy of a few of the items listed below, but we like to keep two copies of each edition.

Pilgrims’ Manuals

3rd (1949), 4th (1951), 6th (1957), 7th (1960), 9th (1965 and 1966),11th (1972), 13th (1976), 17th (1988) and 18th (1996).

National Pilgrimage programmes

1960, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1970.

St Hilary's - Report and Accounts booklets

Our gaps in this beautiful series, with covers by Enid Chadwick, are: 1953, 1956, 1957, 1960, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966. There were probably none before 1944 or after 1970.

Healing Pilgrimages orders of service

Any pre-1990, 1990–92, 1994–96, 1998–2007.

Walsingham Holy House Leaflets No. 2

Title unknown.

Assumptiontide Lectures at St Mary’s Church

Although not archives of the Shrine, a set is kept of the Lecture booklets from 1980. We are lacking those for 1983, 1984, 1999, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2014.

Information about the film made by Fr Ronald Wills in 1960 called "The Walsingham Story" – and preferably a copy of it. 



Or write ℅ The College, Walsingham NR22 6EF, marking the envelope ‘Please Forward’

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  • Posted by Fr William Davage on

    1983 Lecturer Canon Cheslyn Jones: No text was provided for publication
    1999 Lecturer Fr Alan Williams (Now Bishop of Brentwood) No text available
    2004 Lecturer Dr Luke Syson Lecture was a slide presentation with commentary. Not published
    2008 Lecturer Canon Martin Warner Lecture was a slide presentation with commentary from notes. Not published.

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